Dehydrated spring onion rings

Contact us:

MS Zhang +86 13912099880
MR Jiang +86 15062992222
  • Product Detail

Product name:Dried Green Scallion

Product introduction:We choose high-quality fresh spring onion as raw materials, remove the inferior parts of the raw materials and put them into the mechanized production line. After many mechanical and manual processes, it is made into dehydrated spring onion ring products. Dehydrated spring onion rings are also one of our main products. Customers from all walks of life all over the world have a great demand for Dehydrated spring onion rings.

Edibvalue of productsle :Dehydrated Spring Onion Rings are rich in a variety of sugars, and can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, contribute to human digestion, and have the effect of bacteriostasis. Eating them can prevent colds, etc

Product usage:Dehydrated spring onion rings are made into canned condiments,Dehydrated spring onion rings are used for daily cooking,Dehydrated spring onion rings are used to make convenience food.

Product picture:The following picture shows the dehydrated spring onion rings.

Last: High quality dehydrated scallion powder

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0086 13912099880