High quality dehydrated spinach leaves 5*5mm

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MS Zhang +86 13912099880
MR Jiang +86 15062992222
  • Product Detail

Dehydrated Spinach reduces the moisture in spinach by natural or artificial drying, increasing the concentration of soluble substances, thereby preventing the activity of microorganisms. At the same time, it can also inhibit the activity of enzymes contained in spinach itself, so that the product can be stored for a long time. Soak Dehydrated Spinach Leaves in water. After a period of time, dehydrated spinach will return to its pre-dry state. Before serving, soak dehydrated spinach in 14 times the weight of dehydrated spinach in water. When fresh, dehydrated spinach can be cooked. Dehydrated Spinach For Snacks not only have a long shelf life, but are also small and lightweight for easy portability and transport. Eating is also very convenient. It is a convenient food for the quartermaster's travel and is one of the important vegetables. It also has a certain regulating effect on the supply of spinach in the low and peak seasons, and can also be used as a foreign trade export commodity. Spinach is native to Iran in West Asia and has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years. It is a very common vegetable product.

Edible value of product:Dehydrated spinach is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, minerals, carrots and other trace elements, which can protect vision and alleviate anemia.
Product usage:Dehydrated spinach is used to make canned food,Dehydrated spinach is used to make mixed vegetables,Dehydrated spinach is used to make spinach soup,Dehydrated spinach is used to make fast food.

Product picture:The picture below is Dehydrated spinach leaves 5*5mm.

Last: High quality dehydrated spinach leaves 10*10mm

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0086 13912099880
