Dehydrated sweet potato granules 10*10mm

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MS Zhang +86 13912099880
MR Jiang +86 15062992222
  • Product Detail

Product Name:Dehydrated Sweet Potato Granules 10*10mm

Product introduction:This product is Dehydrated Sweet Potato Granules with the specification of 10 * 10mm. It can be used to add rice, make sweet potato rice, or add sweet potato when cooking porridge. Just add the dehydrated sweet potato to the water and absorb the water, it will have the same taste and sweetness as the fresh sweet potato. Sweet potato generally refers to sweet potato. Its cellulose can prevent excessive absorption of fat and cholesterol in food in the intestine, promote cholesterol decomposition in the body, contribute to lipid metabolism and prevent hyperlipidemia.

Edible value of product: Carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other substances in sweet potato can promote the activity of human brain cells and hormone secretion, and improve the immune ability of the body. In addition, mucin in sweet potato can increase the elasticity of arterial wall, prevent constipation, strengthen the body and prolong life.

Product usage:Dehydrated sweet potatoes are used as sweet potato snacks,Dehydrated sweet potato is used to make sweet potato rice,Dehydrated sweet potato is used to make fast food products, and dehydrated sweet potato is used to make snacks.

Product picture:The picture below is dehydrated sweet potato granules 10*10mm.


Next: Dehydrated sweet potato powder

0086 13912099880